Sunday, June 19, 2005


Last night was just one of those where no matter how many times I tossed and turned my eyes just wouldn't stay shut!!
Some of the stuff that randomly crossed my mind:

-the glory days when i used to play basketball for my med school.
-partying in Goa.
-why people do the crazy things they this one friend of mine who quit being a doctor just so he could dj at raves in Brazil!
-why don't i feel satisfied and thankful for what i have accomplished thus far??
-why people are sooooo selfish?
-why Asians couldn't be more like the Europeans or the Americans when it comes to generosity (personal experience!)?
-could i really get my hands on that new pair of trainers i have my eyes set on next week?
-the Thundercats (one of my fav cartoons i used to watch as a kid)
-where all would i have travelled to by now if i wasn't working and had the resources.
-why can't i make a kick ass apple pie???