Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hui Yi

Meet Hui Yi.
The most adorable girl i've ever come across!
She's 3 years old and suffers from nephrotic syndrome.....this would be her 8th relapse and she's on steroids....probably will be for a very long time.
She's been warded for 2 weeks now and she's still not responding that well to medications.
The reason i adore her so much is because no matter how long she has been at the hospital and no matter how much she hates blood taking or getting pricked,she's always ready to greet anyone with her smile and her toys.She's well behaved and despite her condition (some kids take advantage of their parents when they are sick), she's not a drama queen and is very considerate with her mom who tries to be with her as much as she can(she's expecting another child in a month's time) cause she can't wait to have a baby brother with whom she can play.
In times of personal adversity.....think of Hui Yi....
(Darn blogger!i can't put up hui yi's picture...i promise i shall put it up...taken with the permission of her mom.)